Field Map & Training Plan

It's raining, is training still on??

When there is wet weather, and Council has not shut the fields, an inspection of the fields will occur as late as 3pm and 4pm, and IF FIELDS WILL BE CLOSED, will at least post on Facebook.

Coordinators of different groups of players (eg. Masters) may also advise their players.

Members/players are discouraged from contacting the club directly, as we have too many members to answer each enquiry. If you need to contact someone, please contact your Coordinator or Coach/Manager.

2024 Training Plan

Our 2024 Training plan from 12 February to 3 March 2024 can be found here.

Our 2024 Training plan from 6 May 2024 can be found here.

Our Training Plans are developed using the following principles:

  • Teams will generally be allocated a training space equivalent to half the size of their playing field size.
  • Teams usually share a playing field with another team of similar age and/or skill, with games between these teams encouraged.
  • Teams are to completely vacate their training space by the time the next session is due to commence.
  • 'Spare' spaces are available to all teams at all times. They cannot be reserved.
  • Any requests for changes are to be referred to by the teams Coach or Manager.

2024 Field Map

Field Map for 2024 is shown below.

As a club, our focus is minimising any use of Field 1A so it is in top condition for competition games. Therefore, for any casual training, members are encouraged to use Field 2. 

Platinum Sponsors
McDonald's Greater Springfield
Gold SponsorsSilver SponsorsBronze Sponsor
A-League FIFA FFA Football QLD